Bill Mahony brings over 50 years of business experience to his role on the EnviroMix Board. Mr. Mahony’s experience is drawn from five decades of work in the Information Technology sector. His background in Civil Engineering and the application of computing science to engineering design and construction motivated Bill to join in the task of building a Charleston based company to bring the EnviroMix technology to the Wastewater Treatment Industry.
Bill returned to his hometown, Charleston, in 1998 after a career working in the US, Europe and Asia. He joined with other business professionals in the community to support entrepreneurial startup business initiatives that offer South Carolina college graduates a career path in the Engineering Information Systems business. “The South Carolina Digital Corridor Program and the experience and seed money provided by retired business executives in our community has been a great resource and driver of entrepreneurship in the State.”
Bill became an active player in the Enviromix business because the unique technology is positively disruptive and an important environmental contributor to reducing the carbon foot print of wastewater treatment plants in the United States. “The EnviroMix solution gives industry a means to reduce operating and maintenance costs and improve the quality of treated water being returned to our streams and rivers.”
Bill’s experience has spanned the use of 1950’s slide rule technology to accomplish the complex computations preceding construction of the 1960’s Pearman Bridge and now the use of computer aided software to accomplish the design of a modern water-infrastructure systems. “My career has been one of huge technology change and systems engineering revolution. A rewarding journey!” says Bill.
Enviromix tops off Bill’s career begun as a University of South Carolina School of Engineering student. Bill now looks forward to the success of the EnviroMix team effort to market a new technology to the water infrastructure decision-makers in the United States.