The FlexZone Adaptive Process Volume System is a flexible activated sludge treatment solution that is designed to address diurnal and seasonal loading conditions while accommodating current and future water quality requirements with an emphasis on optimizing energy efficiency and process control. The FlexZone system provides a high level of operational flexibility and efficiency throughout the life of the treatment facility.
To learn more about the FlexZone system, watch this educational webinar.
Eliminating physical barriers, the FlexZone system dynamically matches anoxic, low dissolved oxygen (DO), and aerobic volumes to changing influent conditions. Air delivery to satisfy oxygen demand is provided by diffused aeration and process blowers. BioMix Compressed Gas Mixing operates independently or as part of SyncroMix (concurrent operation of BioMix and aeration) to provide ideal mixing. Instrumentation provides real-time feedback of process conditions. The control system automatically adapts aeration and mixing settings based on instrument readings and treatment objectives.
Click on the icons below to learn more about the process optimization, unparalleled flexibility, energy efficiency, and straightforward operation that the FlexZone system provides.
The FlexZone system eliminates unnecessary aeration by integrating a BioMix Compressed Gas Mixing System with diffused aeration equipment to allow for aeration, mixing, or SyncroMix — which is concurrent operation of BioMix and diffused aeration.
The example below compares the operation of a treatment plant in a resort town using a fixed conventional aeration approach with limited turndown versus the FlexZone system. The FlexZone system automatically transitions the aerated volume to mix and/or SyncroMix to meet the oxygen demand, providing unmatched turndown and energy savings.
Ideally suited for anaerobic selectors, anoxic selectors, mixing limited tanks, and bioreactors, the FlexZone system is an excellent fit for both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. The process is an ideal solution for retrofits of existing facilities as well as greenfield designs.