
Team Member Highlight: Partner Focus “In the Mix”

What do John Grisham, Christine Aguilera and John Verscharen have in common?  Well, they’re all die hard Steelers fans! John Verscharen is EnviroMix’s rep in North Florida. Born just outside of Pittsburgh, John transferred from Penn State to the University of South Florida in his sophomore year of college, earning first a BSCE in Civil Engineering, then an MSCE with a focus in water and wastewater treatment. John is a licensed Professional Engineer.

While he has lived in the state of Florida since graduation, his unswerving NFL allegiance is to Steely McBeam and six time Superbowl winners, the Steelers and five-time Stanley Cup winners, the Penguins. Indeed, Football runs in the veins of his whole family. His wife Lisa is a nurse and was the team mom when his kids played Pop Warner football.  His eldest daughter, now at the University of Florida, is heading to a post-grad degree was a football cheerleader; middle son currently an engineering student at Auburn played football in high school; his youngest currently plays middle linebacker for Sunlake High School. When he’s not on the road meeting with customers on behalf of EnviroMix, then you’ll likely find John saltwater fishing, scalloping, or hunting deer, turkey and boar at his hunting camp near Cedar Key, Florida.  John, who has some thirty years experience in the water/ wastewater industry, explains why he likes reping for EnviroMix: “Their product is a new way of looking at mixing. It makes the process much more efficient than it was in the past. It’s a totally different concept and I like the way EnviroMix supports our customers.”

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