Charleston, SC, March 17, 2015 – EnviroMix announced today that its BioMix™ Compressed Gas Mixing System will be utilized at the Williams Monaco BNR Facility in Henderson, CO. The South Adams County Water and Sanitation District (SACWSD) will be upgrading the Biological Nutrient Removal Process in the existing treatment facility, along with a new secondary process train and renovations to the existing secondary process. The project is being funded through the State Revolving Fund (SRF). Prior to Burns & McDonnell, the District’s Engineer, finalizing the design, SACWSD issued an RFP to select and pre-negotiate major equipment, of which a Compressed Gas Mixing System was one of the items. EnviroMix prepared a proposal in accordance with the performance based specification to supply a BioMix system for two anaerobic selectors and two anoxic selectors for each of the two existing and two new secondary process trains. Upon evaluation by the Engineer and the District, EnviroMix was selected based on conformance with the specification, and total cost of ownership which considered both operational cost and capital cost. The BioMix system, utilizing one duty and one standby compressor, was chosen to replace existing conventional submersible mechanical mixing technology, which will allow the facility to avoid significantly higher operating and maintenance costs associated with competitive mixing technologies. In addition to centralized and reduced maintenance, one of the key benefits and performance results derived from the BioMix system, included mixing efficiency of ~0.1 HP/1000 ft3 of tank volume. The objectives of the BioMix project were to; (1) significantly reduce the energy required to mix the basin contents (2) and provide low maintenance operation. Andrew Waddoups, Associate Environmental Engineer with the engineering firm of Burns & McDonnell, states, “We are very excited about this project and the benefits EnviroMix will provide from the perspective of both energy efficiency and ease of maintenance. The EnviroMix system is a key part of the BNR Upgrades Project.” The BioMix system in the new secondary process train is expected to be operational by summer of 2015 with the renovated existing secondary process trains to be operational by 2016. EnviroMix is pleased to provide The South Adams County Water and Sanitation District with an energy-efficient mixing solution custom-fit to meet their mixing and future nutrient removal needs. About EnviroMix Headquartered in Charleston, SC, EnviroMix is a privately held corporation, which designs and manufactures treatment systems to dramatically reduce energy costs and help facilities meet nutrient removal limits. Utilizing patented and proprietary technology, the Company provides complete mixing systems, process controls, and energy management solutions to enhance plant performance in the water and wastewater markets. For additional information please visit