Charleston, SC, March 5, 2013 – EnviroMix announced today that its energy-efficient compressed gas mixing technology will be utilized at the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (WASA) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Butner, North Carolina. This 5.5 million gallon per day (MGD) wastewater treatment facility will be comprehensively upgraded to provide enhanced treatment to achieve compliance with upcoming stringent total nitrogen and phosphorus effluent limits.
EnviroMix will provide its technology to mix one anaerobic and five anoxic biological treatment basins as well as a swing zone, post-anoxic zone, and hydraulic jump cell in each of two converted oxidation ditches. The BioMix™ technology leverages proprietary hardware and software solutions to enable optimum process results. The facility upgrade will utilize the plant’s current footprint to modify existing process basins, demonstrating competitive advantages of the BioMix system over conventional mechanical mixers.
By implementing the energy-efficient BioMix system, South Granville WASA was able to reduce mixing power consumption by an estimated 69% versus legacy submersible mixers. Further, because BioMix leverages a single operating compressor to mix multiple basins, maintaining 16 separate mechanical mixers will be unnecessary.
The BioMix system is expected to be operational by February 2014. Stuart Humphries, EnviroMix Director of Sales, states, “The South Granville WASA project is further validation of the widespread acceptance of our BioMix technology and its related configuration and firing methods, which provide proper mixing with an insignificant amount of oxygen transfer –so little so that BioMix may be used for anoxic, even anaerobic, biological selector tank mixing.”
About EnviroMix
With offices in Atlanta, GA and Charleston, SC, EnviroMix is a privately held corporation, which designs and manufactures treatment systems to dramatically reduce energy costs and help facilities meet nutrient removal limits. Utilizing patented and proprietary technology, the Company provides both equipment and process control solutions to enhance plant performance in the water and wastewater markets. For additional information please visit