Interconnecting channels move process flows throughout a wastewater treatment facility. Facilities typically rely on hydraulic flow rates, diffusers, pumps, or mechanical mixers to keep solids suspended within channels.
Replacing an inefficient, high maintenance system with a BioMix Compressed Gas Mixing System in channel applications provides significant energy savings and reduces maintenance costs, yielding very quick payback periods. Moreover, with BioMix, the negligible oxygen transfer is especially beneficial for mixing channels feeding biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes.
For channels, a CAMix Cyclic Aerated Mixing System can substantially reduce energy consumption associated with continuous aerated mixing. Furthermore, CAMix can utilize a side stream of air from the main blower system, eliminating the need for a dedicated blower system.
Energy Efficiency
Straightforward Operation
Process Optimization
Unparalleled Flexibility
Application Sheet: Channels
Product Brochure: BioMix Compressed Gas Mixing System
Product Brochure: CAMix Cyclic Aerated Mixing System
Case Study: BioMix Selected for Garland, TX