Pictured left to right: Travis Dunphy, Danny Nielsen, Gary Smith (all from SACWSD), Sarah Elger (EnviroMix), Jeff Rabas (Coombs Hopkins)
EnviroMix recently awarded South Adams County Water and Sanitary District (SACWSD) an Operational Excellence Award for exemplary operation of their BioMix Compressed Gas Mixing System.
In 2015, South Adams County Water and Sanitary District (SACWSD) upgraded the Williams Monaco WWTP located in Henderson, Colorado, to improve treatment and increase capacity. The new plant design replaced the previous MBBR secondary process with an 8 MGD Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) process in an A2O configuration for biological phosphorous removal as well as nitrogen reduction.
Selected by SACWSD and Burns & McDonnell as an integral part of the plant upgrade, BioMix was installed in the newly constructed anaerobic and anoxic selectors, and in the existing anoxic selectors, replacing inefficient and maintenance-intensive submersible mixers. Utilizing a duty and a standby compressor, the BioMix system allows the WWTP to maximize operational reliability. Compared with the previously utilized mechanical mixers, BioMix delivers 50-60% more energy savings and enables the plant to avoid the high maintenance expense.
The attentiveness of the SACWSD staff has been fundamental in the long-term success of this project. EnviroMix is honored to have the opportunity to work with SACWSD.